giovedì 30 ottobre 2014

29ème Raid Commando « GUINES 2014» Région de Guînes France - 28 au 30 novembre 2014



AECOPSD Challenge de tir US 2014 - Stand de Tir La Courneuve - Paris - France - 21/22 novembre 2014

L’Association organise un challenge de Tir US les 21 et 22 Novembre 2014 à La Courneuve (93). La participation à ce challenge permet l’obtention de médailles et brevets officiels américains. Conformément aux règlements en vigueur, ces épreuves sont soumises aux contrôles agréés par un officier américain se déplaçant spécialement pour cet événement et de la présence de moniteurs de tirs spécialisés.
Ce type de challenge est organisé en France depuis plusieurs années, sous l’égide d’associations qui sont issues généralement du milieu de la sécurité publique, comme l’est l’AECOPSD. Par contre, la venue d’un contrôleur américain est une exclusivité dont notre association est à l’origine.
Devant le succès de ce type de challenge, une priorité est accordée aux adhérents de l’association. De plus, l’accès à certaines qualifications étant limité, une classification est établie en fonction de l’ancienneté, en termes d’activité, avec notre association.
Cette manifestation est ouverte à l’ensemble des professionnels de la sécurité et de la défense (Gendarmerie, Polices nationale et municipale, Forces Armées, Douanes, Sapeurs-pompiers, Administration pénitentiaire, Sécurité civile….) actifs, de réserve, sous contrats, volontaires, retraités. Toutefois, la priorité est donnée aux adhérents de l’AECOPSD à jour de cotisation.
Les adhérents à jour de leur cotisation bénéficient d’une réduction sur les frais d’inscription
Une fois l’inscription dument validée, chaque candidat aura connaissance par mail de son numéro de série, de son numéro de pas de tir et de son horaire de passage.
Chaque candidat aura le choix entre le tir au fusil ou le tir pistol. Donc, un même candidat ne pourra pas s’inscrire en même temps, sur l’ensemble de ce challenge, aux épreuves pour ces 2 types d’armes.
Les candidats qui ne sont pas adhérent à l’AECOPSD, ou à certaines associations partenaires, auront accès qu’à la qualification de l’US Army. 
Pour pouvoir avoir accès aux qualifications des Coast Guard, il faut être adhérent, avoir déjà participé à un challenge de tir spécial USA de l’association et avoir déjà réussi et validé dans la même catégorie (pistol ou fusil) la qualification de l’US Navy et l‘US Air Force.
Pour chaque programme, 40 cartouches doivent être tirées.
Les barèmes spécifiques seront prochainement diffusés aux personnes s’inscrivant à ce challenge. Néanmoins, il est recommandé d’être entraîné au tir, notamment pour la distance à 25 mètres pistol, qui requière une certaine maîtrise de l’arme……   
La proclamation officielle des résultats se fait à l’issue des épreuves. En conséquence, la validation que les candidats effectuent auprès des contrôleurs aura lieu en même temps.

Pour ce challenge, une adresse spécifique a été mise en place et pour toute question ou demande d’envoi du dossier d’inscription, seule cette adresse doit être utilisée :

The Association organizes a challenge Shooting US 21 and November 22, 2014 in La Courneuve (93). Participation in this challenge allows the production of medals and official US patents. In accordance with regulations, these tests are subject to inspection by authorized an American officer moving especially for this event and the presence of specialized instructors shots. 
This type of challenge is organized in France for several years, under the aegis of associations which are usually from the middle of the public safety, as is the AECOPSD. For cons, the arrival of a US officer is an exclusive association with our cause. 
Given the success of this type of challenge, priority is given to members of the association. In addition, access is limited to certain qualifications, classification is based on seniority, in terms of activity, with our association. 
The event is open to all security professionals and Defense (Force, national and municipal Fonts, Armed Forces, Customs, Fire Department, Prison Administration, Public Safety ....) Active, reserve, under contract voluntary retirees. However, priority is given to members of the AECOPSD to date of contribution. 
Members to update their subscription receive a discount on registration fees 
Once registration is duly validated, each candidate will know by mail serial number, its number pad and its time of passage. 
Each candidate will have the choice between shooting or pistol shot. So one candidate can not register at the same time on all of this challenge, testing for these two types of weapons. 
Candidates who are not adherent to AECOPSD, or some partner organizations will have access to the qualification of the US Army. 
To have access to the skills of Coast Guard must be a member, have attended a special challenge firing of the association and USA have already successfully validated in the same category (pistol or rifle) qualification of the US Navy and US Air Force. 
For each program, 40 rounds must be drawn. 
Specific schedules will soon be distributed to people entering this challenge. However, it is recommended to be driven shooting, including the distance to 25 meters pistol, which requires a certain mastery of the weapon ...... 
The official announcement of the results are at the end of the tests. As a result, the validation performed with the candidates controllers will take place at the same time. 
For this challenge, a specific address has been set up and any questions or requests for the registration file, only this address should be used:

domenica 3 agosto 2014

XXII Netherlands International Shooting Competition for reserves - Harskamp infantry shooting ranges - The Netherlands - 10 - 12 October

XXII Netherlands International Shooting Competition for reserves - Harskamp infantry shooting ranges - The Netherlands - 10 - 12 October

In 2014 the NISC will be held in the weekend of 10 - 12 October.

Each year the Reserves Shooting Committee of the Dutch armed forces organizes the Netherlands International Shooting Competition for reserves (short: "NISC"). This annual shooting event celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2012 and has earned international recognition as one of the great remaining shooting competitions for reserves in northern Europe.

NISC takes place in the autumn (usually mid-October) and hosts up to 150 reserves of many NATO countries and partners at the Harskamp infantry shooting ranges. Participants compete in teams of three marksmen for individual and team prizes on 3 weapons, typically pistol (Glock 17) and rifles Diemaco/Colt and FAL. During the day competitors move between the different ranges and have ample opportunity to socialize and meet fellow military of other nations.

At the evening of the competition day a gala buffet crowns the efforts of all present: competitors, range assistants and NISC staff. In this stylish yet informal setting the prize ceremony rewards the efforts of all and indicates which marksmen are the best of Europe's reserves. Speeches of NISCs supporters, among which the Dutch armed forces, give words to the feelings of comradeship and connection between the forces and their reserves.

The competition information document can be downloaded here and the application form is published here.

domenica 27 luglio 2014

GRENADIER 2014 - from 24th to 29th August - Trainig Area LAINACH / CARINTHIA / AUSTRIA possibility to achieve the "Edelweiß-Badge" of the Austrian Gebirgsjäger (mountain infantry)!


The international military competition GRENADIER is organised in cooperation between Waffenkreis Infanterie/ Vienna Officers Association and HQ Bn 7/ 7th InfBrig. The competition demands from all participants a high standard of military knowledge and proficiency as well as flexibility, teamwork and the ability to cope with pressure.
During the competition the participants get a lot of instructions and training. So the competition will result in a high level of motivation and experience of the participants.

In this week of exercise the teams will get instruction on Austrian infantry-weapons and equipment. During the competition there will be stations with tests in general- and infantry specific skills like NBC, signal-service, first aid, tactics, orientation but also courage and endurance tests.

One day is reserved for an alpine-march to give the soldiers the possibility to achieve the "Edelweiß-Badge" of the Austrian Gebirgsjäger (mountain infantry). Additionally there will be theoretical test about military basic knowledge, life fire exercises with assault-rifle, pistol, sniper rifle and other infantry weapons.

Language of the exercise is English and German.

Host of GRENADIER 2014 is the 7th Headquarter Battalion and the commander of the Battalion COL MEURERS.

Last year soldiers of 15 nations parcitipated on the GRENADIER 2013.


  • Arrival: latest 24th August 1800
  • Competition: 25th to 28th August
  • Departure: 29th August recomended. (until 1200)
  • Location: Training Area GLAINACH / Carinthia / Austria


  • Comparing own military skills with teams from other nations
  • Exchange of experience and techniques
  • Advancement of international contacts and partnership regarding international missions


  • Physical and mental strength
  • Profound military knowledge
  • Practical military skills
  • Teamwork


  • Soldiers of the Austrian Armed Forces
  • Soldiers of foreign Armed Forces (active or reserve)
  • Members of Austrian or foreign police forces
  • 33 teams max., each 3 persons (99 participants max.)
  • 1 person in charge max. for each team (33 persons max.)


Equipment you don't carry with you - you won't have!!!
We recommend to carry along the following equipment:

3 BDU's (minimum two for the exercise and one for the awards ceremony), sleeping bag, backpack, canteen, mess tin, compass, flashlight/torch, first aid kit, knife, gloves, cold weather- and rain protection, pen and writing pad (water proof).


the participation is at your own risk!
personal health insurance (travel insurance) is recommended in case of injury.
The organizer and/or the Austrian army can not be held liable in case of injury!
All damages or injuries have to be covered by personal liability- or casualty insurance.



participant generally: EUR 150.-- each person

austrian participants on base of fWÜ/fMA: EUR 30.-- entry fee each person

companion: EUR 130.-- each person

arrival at saturday 23th August 2014: EUR 30.-- each person


for registration the form below should be used:
registration form teams SEE WEB SITE LINK

exclusion of liability

each participant has to sign the exclusion of liability! Without this exclusion a participation is not allowed.
exclusion of liability  SEE WEB SITE LINK


check-in deadline: 25th August 2014



additional information

for further information and registration please get in DIRECT contact with the competition staff. 



sabato 19 luglio 2014

Third International High Mountain March with Shooting Competition from August 14th to 17th in Kaprun - Austria - National Park Hohe Tauren

31. Internationalen SchieBwettkampf "Wappen der Stadt Köln" am 29/11/2014 - Cologna - Germany

Territorial Army State Command NRW provided the call for the competition in German only. 

The competition “Wappen der Stadt Köln” (Crest of the City of Cologne) is a team shooting competition for civilian and military teams consisting of -4- members. 

The disciplines are

1.       assault rifle G36: distance 200 metres, 10 ring target; 3 sighting shots, 9 shots competititve (3x prone freehand, 3x kneeling freehand, 3x standing freehand)

2.       pistol P8: distance 20 metres, 10 ring target; no sighting shots, 12 shots competitive (6x standing freehand, 6x kneeling freehand)

3.       AGSHP simulator (assault rifle G36): distance 100 metres, 10 ring target; 3 sighting shots, 10 shots competitive (standing freehand)

Basic accommodation including board can be provided in the air force barracks close to the shooting range. Transport to the shooting range is included. Awards ceremony and prom take place after the shooting competition at the sergeant´s mess. 

Starting fee is 100€ per team including accommodation, board, transport and prom ticket, non-shooting escorts pay 15€ for the prom ticket. 

For registrations please use the form provided with the invitation (“Anmeldung”), the form asks (in order of appearance) for team name, name and rank of the team leader, street with number, zip and city, phone number and finally email address. 

After sending your registration form (preferred via email), you receive data collection forms for each team member, which need to be returned until 2014/10/15 fully filled, you get your team number and you get the details of the bank account, to which the starting fee is to be transferred.

giovedì 19 giugno 2014

XV international Shooting Cup of the Reserve Officers Association of Estonia - 6th Sep 2014 - Võru, South Estonia

We invite You to participate in the XV international Shooting Cup of the Reserve Officers Association of Estonia for prizes put out by the Commander of Estonian Defence Forces.

The competition takes place on 05.-07.09.2014 in Võru, South Estonia.

Information and registration on the site 

3.Vielseitigkeitswettkamft unm den Sudeifelpokal 2014

domenica 15 giugno 2014

XXIV GRIFO Military Patrol Competition 28-29 june 2014

GRIFO 2014 is an evaluative exercise day and night, and with an ongoing and active opponent represented various tests including technical-military patrols in the first phase will schedule the action to be performed and, subsequently, penetrate hostile territory  with strong enemy presence to fulfill the mission that will be assigned to them. Patrol of three elements. 

Italian language program at the following link

more information

Sezione UNUCI Perugia tel/fax 075-5722903 (saturday 10.30-11.30 - fax H24)
page3image17336 page3image17496
I°Cap. Tullio Crovato 0039 329. 2309307 
Cap. Maurizio Cini 0039 335. 8223399
Ten. Roberto Mancini 0039 339. 3711235

VI International Paracuthist Triathlon - Trofeo Scuola Militare Paracadutismo Tradate - Saturday, 28 june, 2014 - Sunday, 29 june 2014 - ITALY

organizzato dalle Sezioni A.N.P.d’I. di: Saronno, Tradate, Como, Varese, Milano 
Riservata ai paracadutisti appartenenti: all’ Associazione d’Arma e ai Reparti in servizio nelle Forze Armate Italiane. 

Keeping trained participants: parachute  launch with military equipment, to march topographical shooting with pistol caliber semi-automatic rifle and 9; so that the members of the Association of Firearm retain the capacity for integration in the Italian Army Forces Completion and can participate in the competitions organized by the UEP (European Union of Paratroopers). Strengthen the bonds of cooperation and camaraderie among the staff of the Department paratroopers in service and staff on leave, which was taken in the Association of Firearm.

Requirements for participation

Those routinely prescribed for participation in the activity to dropping under military control ANPd'I. (See timing requirements to launch Circ. ISPEARMI 1,400)
The investment team is composed of 2 elements designated in advance.
Type of competition and equipment
- N. 1 PV parachute airdrop exercise type MC1 C;
- March topographic weighting of about 10 kilometers;
- N. 3 scenarios of shooting with firearms, (provided by the National Shooting Tradate) with
use of handgun Beretta 98 ​​FS, semi-automatic carbine Kalashnikov AK47 caliber 223 mm.
Registration and or fax 0039 02 9620113.

Italian language program at the following link

mercoledì 11 giugno 2014

HÆRVEJSMARCHEN - 27/28 june 1014 - VIBORG (DK)


We set Hærvejen in motion with an unusual race for walkers, runners and cyclists.
It's about exercise, solidarity, experiencing nature and fascinating cultural history under the motto:

The Dream • The Challenge • The Adventure

Hærvejsløbet 2014 will be held on Friday/Saturday 27-28 June 2014.

We offer:

A stage race on Hærvejen from Flensburg to Viborg - nearly 300 km over 2 days.
There are 30 stages between 5 and 15 km and you can compete in however many stages you have the desire and energy for.
We run in a collective group at an average speed of 10 km per hour.
A cycle race along Hærvejen, starting from Flensburg, Vejen or Silkeborg and finishing in Viborg.
This means 270, 160 or 50 km of road cycling, where we prefer team cycling in different pace groups.
Hærvejsmarchen (Hærvej’s March) in and around Viborg.
Hærvejsløbet is a development project and the vision is to create Denmark’s largest exercise arena.
DGI, Viborg Municipality and Hærvejsmarchen are behind the race.
The arena is Hærvejen and the development project will form the basis of inspiration for exercise activities on and along this arena all year round.
We have initially focused on walking, running and cycling.


Hærvejen is located on the Jutland Ridge and for centuries it was an important route for armies, cattle drivers, traders and pilgrims.
As traffic from the late 1800s and onwards gradually transferred to trains and then cars, Hærvejen lost its importance as a thoroughfare through Jutland and the link between Denmark and the rest of Europe.
In recent decades, Hærvejen has been gaining in popularity as a recreational route for walkers and cyclists.
The infrastructure of Hærvejen has improved considerably and in the eyes of many Danes, the route has become a retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
Hærvejen’s characteristics were determined by the last Ice Age, when the present landscape was formed as the ice melted.
It formed the Jutland Ridge and with it the watershed where watercourses either run east to Kattegat or west to the North Sea.
As a result, the nature up through Jutland is extremely varied and increasingly hilly as Hærvejen approaches Viborg.
Hærvejsløbet wants to be involved in developing this natural beauty route into an arena for physical activity for recreational athletes from both home and abroad!


lunedì 2 giugno 2014