mercoledì 30 marzo 2011

Internationaler Schießwettbewerb 2011

Der Internationale Schießwettbewerb findet am 08./09. Juli 2011 in Eschbach statt und setzt eine jahrzehntelange Tradition fort. Die Veranstaltung wird durch das Landeskommando Baden-Württemberg und die Kreisgruppe Baden-Südwest als zentrale Veranstaltung für die Pflege von internationalen Kontakten in Baden-Württemberg als Landesveranstaltung durchgeführt.

Parallel zum Wettkampf wird durch die Landesgruppe Baden-Württemberg im Verband der Reservisten der Deutschen Bundeswehr e.V. - wie seit 2008 - wieder das Schießen um den Pokal der Landesgruppe austragen.

Im Download-Bereich ist momentan das Funktionerschreiben sowie einige allgemeine Informationen abgelegt. Anfang Februar wird die Ausschreibung dort veröffentlicht.

Wir freuen uns auf einen fairen Wettbewerb und den Austausch mit unseren internationalen Kameraden.

Kontaktadresse für Informationen:

lunedì 28 marzo 2011

MACEDONIAN FIGHTER 2011 - Chalkidiki Region - Northen Greece - Northen Greece, 6 May until 8 May


is a military competition that takes place every year in Northen Greece,
in the district of Macedonia, somewhere near the city of Thessaloniki
(100 to 150 km away the most). The competition addresses to actual and
reserve military personel and represents the summit of the training
procedures of all the reserve associations of Greece.

The organization of MACEDONIAN FIGHTER is runned by the Hellenic Armed Forces Reserves Club (the greek acronym is spelled LEFED). Until now it was open only to
participants that were actual personel or reserves with the armed
forces of Greece and Cyprus. This year and for the first time it will
be open to participants from various nations. The competition will run
from 6 May until 8 May and is held in the
region of Chalkidiki. It wil be contucted in typical greek sea and
mountain enviroment. The teams should be of 4 members. The number of
teams that we can accept is 20 which 5 of them can be foreign. The
participation fee is 30€ per member and includes
registration,accomodation and food.

The participants will compete during the day in various subjects, refering
to basic and advanced infantry skills and during night they will assume
a tactical mission. Every year the tactical mission focuses in
different objects. This years object will be amphibious operations. The
exercises that likely you will find this year are the following:


1) Artillery
2) Combat First Aid
3) 12gauge-fire with smooth barrelled rifles benelli m-4 and mossberg 590.
4) 36gauge-fire with 0.410inch saiga rifle.
5) Fastrope.
6) Rappel.
7) B.S.S. boat search and seizure operation.
8) Maritime operations techniques.
9) Combat swimming.
10) Grenade.
11) Stretcher party carrying wounded men.
12) Quick(commando)march 15-20km.
13) Friendly personnel hostage rescue situation.
14) S.O.F.patrol reaction.
15) Knowledge of militarye quipment.
16) Peace keeping operation/check point.

This list is an indication only. There is a possibility that it will change
according to the decision of the organization team. During the whole
competition every member will be provided with a "blue gun" type of
armament. This is in order to support the idea that the whole
competition consists of an ongoing military operation. The final
changes to the program of the competition will be given intime at our
webpage or by e-mail to ever whom express an interest.

For more information contact at:

Hellenic Armed Forces Reserves Club
Amalias 14 & Gamveta,
Evosmos 56224
Thessaloniki, Greece

Tel./Fax: 0030 2310 517028

For more and constant information about the MACEDONIAN FIGHTER 2011 military competition you can check here:

venerdì 18 marzo 2011

28. Monte-Kali International Cup Shooting - 06 and 07 May 2011 - Wackernheim - Germany

28. Monte-Kali International Cup Shooting at 06 and 07 May 2011

Organizer: 1st. U.S. Armored Division and RK Giesel

Competition location: Wackernheim Regional Range Complex. Range, 55 363 Wackernheim

Competition times: 06 to 07 May 2011, respectively
Fr.08: 00 to 18: 00 Sat .16:30

Participants: - active army units
- German Reservists
- Foreign armed forces
- Foreign reserve
- Customs, federal and state police forces
- Civilian guests driving shooting sports associations

Team strength: 4 shooters
Competitive discipline: rifle discipline as described below

Rating: Team results:
- 1-15. Place overall
- 1-15. Place Individual Rating
- Best team Bundeswehr
- Best team reservists
- Best team in civil
- Best International Team
- Best team authorities
Rates: Depending on the placement of processed cups of different sizes in the form of, large-caliber NATO brass sleeves

Registration: Registration deadline is 29 April 2011. Applications preferably using the online form to

Postal: Reservists Giesel Klaus-Dieter Müller
Büchenbergerstr. 20
36119 Neuhof
Fax: +49 (3212) 1097484

For questions about the organization:
Bernd Kern 0661-20602101
Andreas Kern 0176-21620386

Award Ceremony: Saturday 07.Mai.2011, 20:00 clock
Organizer: Association of reservists
German Bundeswehr
Reservists Giesel

Venue: Festival area near the shooting range
Accommodation: The ability to camp is in close proximity to the shooting range.

The organizer will provide about 300 places to stay in the tent are available.

Entry fee: 50, - EURO per team for the competitive sport rifle including ammunition.

The fees for participation in the shooting guests are collected separately on site.

Attention account change:

Please transfer the entry fee to the account of Reservists Giesel, IBAN-NR. DE 835305018000
SWIFT: BIC CODE HELADEF 1 FDS Kto. 51004127 - BLZ 53050180

Please note under "Purpose" should be reported to the team name and the name of the team leader!

The above dates must be strictly adhered to for organizational reasons!

Later received messages may possibly not be considered. The starting order is determined after receipt of entry fees. time requests are included where possible.

There is NO registration confirmation will be sent! The complete list will start from 29 April under published and updated. The registration of the team to start this list therefore represents the certificate of registration!


The Circolo degli Ufficiali Bellinzona (the Officers’ circle of Bellinzona) organises an international military sport competition under the heading “Military Cross Bellinzona”.

The competition is a relay biathlon race characterised by 4 legs (to be run, as a whole, by 3 runners and 1 biker) and some testing posts, respectively at the end of the 1st and the 2nd leg, as indicated under paragraph 4.

Each team, to be formed by 4 members, must cut the finish line with the baton that will be provided at the start of the first leg. Within the individual category, the participants will run all the four legs without having to attend any tests.




Centre de Formation Professionnelle de Mise en Situation de Tir Police

Association déclarée en préfecture sous N° W 134001

Centre de Formation Professionnelle

Ministère des Affaires Sociales, du Travail et de la Solidarité

Date de délivrance le 06/04/2005 sous le N° 93131176

(Art. L 920-4, R 921-2 et R 921-4 du Code du Travail.

En collaboration avec le


A l’honneur de vous convier à son



De Marignane, les 16, 17 et 18 Juin 2011

Portable Président :

Portable Secrétaire :

Adresse du Stand : Rue Jean Monnet 13700 Marignane

Tél / Fax :

Site :

Email Président :

Email Secrétaire :

Two-day Military Performance Trials (TMPT) 31 May and 1 June 2011 - Harskamp Army Camp / General Winkelman Barracks The Netherlands

The Two-day Military Performance Trials (TMPT) is a sporting military performance event for all military personnel of armed forces, involving teams of two servicemen.

It requires a varied amount of physical and military skills but it is not a competition!

The TMPT takes place annually on the Tuesday and Wednesday before Ascension Day.

Professionals and reserves servicemen of all armed forces can enter this event, which takes place around the military base Harskamp.

The TMPT is organised by the TMPT-committee, in which the Royal Association of Netherlands Reserve Officers (KVNRO) closely co-operates with the Physical Training/Sports Organisation of the Royal Netherlands Army.

The TMPT is affiliated with the Bureau of International Military Sports (BIMS).

Registration TMPT 2011

Professional and reserve military personnel from all armed forces services may participate in the 63rd TMPT, which will take place on 31 May and 1 June 2011, with Harskamp Army Camp / General Winkelman Barracks serving as the centre point.

Arrival and report at the TMPT-desk on monday 30 May from 16.00 until 19.00 hrs.

Registration - only as a team of 2 persons - will start on 3 March.

First read the announcement TMPT 2011 before registration.

Successful completion of the Trials entitles competitors to the Cross of the Royal Netherlands Association of Reserve Officers, the so-called TMPT-Cross.

This decoration may be worn on the military uniform.