venerdì 30 aprile 2010

HONEST JOHN MISSILE CUP 2010 - 24/07/2010 - Stetten a.k.M, Standortschießanlage

Am 24.07.2010 findet der diesjährige Honest-John-Missile-Cup 2010 für Reservisten der Deutschen Bundeswehr und Gastmannschaften auf der Standortschießanlage Stetten a.k.M statt. Beginn der Veranstaltung 07:00 Uhr - Ende der Veranstaltung ca. gegen 18:00 Uhr.

Der Honest-John-Missile-Cup ist ein militärischer Schießwettkampf mit verschiedenen Handwaffen der Deutschen Bundeswehr. Die Mannschaft besteht aus 4 Mann, für Einhaltung der Wettkampfdisziplin, Ausrüstung, Anzugsordnung sowie das korrekte Eintragen in die Wertungskarten ist der Mannschaftsführer verantwortlich.

Zeitgleich findet auf der Standortschießanlage ein Vergleichschießen der Landespokalsieger 2009 eines jeden Landeskommandos statt. Es wird die beste deutsche Reservistenmannschaft in der Disziplin „Schießen mit Handfeuerwaffen“ ermittelt.

Gewertet werden nur die Schießdisziplinen.


Der Meldekopf ist auf der Standortschießanlage in Stetten a.k.M.


Truppenverpflegung wird durch die Bundeswehr bereitgestellt. Grundlage für die Anforderung ist die gemeldete Anzahl der Verpflegungsteilnehmer im Anmeldeformular.

San Versorgung:

Gestellung durch 3.Kp LwAusbRg Mengen


Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten für Teilnehmer an der Veranstaltung stehen als unentgeltliche Gemeinschaftsunterkunft (Turnhalle Unlingen) zur Verfügung. Schlafsack und Luftmatratze sind mitzubringen. Verlegung nach Stetten a.k.M. muss mit Privat Kfz erfolgen.

Am Samstagabend ist der Besuch des Unlinger Heimatfest möglich.

Die Anreise sollte bis 21.00 Uhr erfolgen.

Turnhalle Unlingen, Daugendorfer Straße, 88527 Unlingen


Die Auswertung der Scheiben erfolgt nach dem Schießen im Wettkampfbüro.


Über Einsprüche entscheidet der Leitende des Schießens

POKALWERTUNG Honest-John-Missile-Cup 2010
Gesamtsieger Wanderpokal der Reservistenkameradschaft Unlingen
Pokale Mannschaft Platz 1-3
Pokale Einzelwertung Platz 1-3
(Bester Schütze)

Der Wanderpokal geht in das Eigentum der jeweiligen Mannschaft über, wenn er dreimal nacheinander oder fünfmal insgesamt gewonnen wird.

Für jede Mannschaft gibt es eine Mannschaftsurkunde.

Pokalwertung Vergleichsschießen der Landespokalsieger aus jedem Landeskommando 2009

Pokale Mannschaft Platz 1-3
Pokale Einzelwertung Platz 1-3
(Bester Schütze)

Ausrichtung: Landeskommando Baden-Württemberg
Durchführung: RK Unlingen
Meldeschluss: Donnerstag, 01. 07. 2010

Bitte folgenden Meldeweg beachten:

v Senden Sie das Meldeformular an die jeweils zuständige Geschäftsstelle des Reservistenverbandes.

v Organisationsleiter prüft und leitet das Meldeformular an seinen zugeordneten FwRes (Landeskommando Baden-Württemberg) und eine Kopie an Kreisgeschäftsstelle Pfullendorf weiter – Fax-Nr.: 07552/409157, Tel-Nr.: 07552/409156.

v FwRes (Landeskommando) außerhalb Bereich Ulm prüft und leitet bestätigtes Meldeformular weiter an FwRes Ulm, HptBtsm Zühr.

Später eingehende Meldungen können nicht mehr berücksichtigt werden.

Wettkampfdisziplinen H-J-M-Cup 2010

Schiessübung G 36

Zielentfernung: 250 m
Stellung des Schützen: 300 m
Schusszahl: 12 Schuss

davon 2 Probe Anzeige über Auta, jeder Schuss darf eingesehen werden
10 Schuss Scheibe Nr. 2 klein 10er Ring 250 m liegend aufgelegt

Wertung: Ringe = Punkte, Auswertung über Auta. Kein Einsehen der Treffer
Zeitbegrenzung: 4 Minuten pro Schütze
Visiereinrichtung: Zielfernrohr

4 Mannschaften a 4 Mann schießen gleichzeitig. Jede Mannschaft bekommt eine Bahn zugewiesen. Die Schützen trhintereinander an

Schiessübung MP5

4 Mannschaften a 4 Mann schießen gleichzeitig. Jede Mannschaft bekommt eine Bahn zugewiesen. Die Schützen tretenhintereinander an. Der jeweils nachfolgende Schütze beobachtet mit DF/Spektivdie Trefferlage und korrigiert den aktiven Schützen.

Zielentfernung: 25 m
Anschlag: stehend freihändig - kniend freihändig
Scheibe: 4 x Scheibe Nr. 2 KK auf Spiegel 1x1 m
Stellung des Schützen: 25 m
Schusszahl: 10 Schuss (je Anschlag 5 Schuss)
Feuerart: Einzelfeuer
Zeitbegrenzung: 4 Minuten/Schütze
Wertung: Ringzahl = Punktzahl

Schiessübung Maschinengewehr MG 3 :

4 Mannschaften a 4 Mann schießen gleichzeitig. Jede Mannschaft
bekommt eine Bahn zugewiesen. Die Schützen treten hintereinander an. Der jeweils nachfolgende Schütze beobachtet mit DF/Spektiv die Trefferlage und korrigiert den aktiven Schützen.

Zielentfernung: 250/300 m
Ziele: je Schütze 2 Klappfallscheiben
Schusszahl: 15 Schuss
Feuerart: Feuerstoss
Der Schütze erhält 1 Gurt mit 15 Schuss.
Am Ende des Schießens ist eine vollständige Sicherheitsüberprüfung durchzuführen und die Rohrwechselklappe geöffnet zu belassen
Wertung: 10 Punkte pro gefallene Klappfallscheiben
Zeitbegrenzung: 4 Minuten/Schütze

Schiessübung Pistole P 8

4 Mannschaften a 4 Mann schießen gleichzeitig. Jede Mannschaft bekommt eine Bah zugewiesen. Die Schützen treten hintereinander an. Der jeweils nachfolgende Schütze beobachtet mit DF/Spektivdie Trefferlage und korrigiert den aktiven Schützen nach den ersten zwei Schüssen.

Zielentfernung: 25 m
Zieleinrichtung: mechanisches Visier
Scheibe: 4 x Scheibe Nr. 2 (KK)
Stellung des Schützen: 25 m
Schusszahl: 10 Schuss
Feuerart: Einzelfeuer
Zeitbegrenzung: 4 Minuten/Schütze = 12 Min./Mannschaft
Wertung: Ringzahl = Punktzahl

Bergung und Reanimation eines
Ertrinkenden. Zeitbegrenzung: 5 Minuten
Pro Mannschaft Mannschaftswertung 50 Punkte

Umgang mit Zivilpersonen

Ein Reporterteam befragt die in Bereitschaft Mannschaftswertung 50 Punkte
befindliche Truppe. Zeitbegrenzung: 5 Minuten
pro Mannschaft.

Beobachten und Melden

Zeitbegrenzung: 5 Minuten pro Mannschaft Mannschaftswertung 50 Punkte

domenica 11 aprile 2010

24ma "Lombardia 2010" - Italian Raid Commando - May 21,22,23 Maggio – Palazzago (BG,Italy)

The competition is certainly the most important in Italy for participation and technical complexity and is much quoted and known throughout Europe. The proof is the constant presence of teams of at least 10 nations, including many on active duty who see a competition of this kind interesting to see the training received by their departments.

The competition will begin Friday, May 21 with the pull force for the general classification and the individual patent UNUCI LOmbardia shooting. In the evocative setting of the quarries share granted by Italcementi, the teams will pull a weapon with 7.62 to 230 m long, 5.56 to 150 m long gun, handgun cal. 9 in dynamic shooting, 15 spas in cal.12 pull dynamic and individual competitors will achieve the patent in the canonical 3 levels.

At the end of shooting and after the usual briefing, the teams will prepare for the mission at night, followed by a camp pitched in the area of operations and the diurnal phase.
As always, the theme will be operating today: the patrol control during a peacekeeping. The patrol control work in the area of responsibility of the peacekeeping force, controlling the territory covered by static structures of the defense, with the aim to demonstrate and emphasize the presence of peacekeepers and the warring factions to the population.

The route promises a total of 21km long with an altitude of 1500 feet, hard enough to test even the most athletic team prepared. As always, the technical component will be the key to distinguish who is truly prepared for a complex mission, so much so that for these very technical competition this year took the title of "Italian Commando Raid."

The list of tests has already been published to allow adequate preparation: Situation Analysis (theoretical), Bivouac (practice), sniper (technique practice), control equipment (theoretical) Demolition - IED (technical, practical ) Overcoming Obstacles (natural), Forced (physics), Night Observation (technical, practical), CIMIC Civil-Military Cooperation (technical, practical), Outlook (technical, practical), First aid in combat (technical, practical ) Mission Report (theoretical) time course (physics), Check Orders (theoretical).

The competition will be preceded and followed by several events: the flag hoisting and lay flowers in honor of a cushion to the Fallen of the Artillery, Infantry and mountain climbing; lay wreath at war memorial, followed by the parade of participants, the award el'ammainabandiera.

As always necessary support will come from the citizenship of Palazzago, local authorities, with multiple weapons Associations and Institutions (CRI Military Corps, SMOM, IIVV CRI) who spend working time, attention to all participants: a demonstration of friendship and of attachment to basic values of this event that brings together people with the "stars" to build the Europe of friendship and brotherhood.

On site dedicated viewable charts, awards, technical information on the competition and pictures of previous editions of the event.

"Gothic Line 2010" - first annoucement


(Member AESO.R. - European Association of Non-Commissioned Officers Reserve)

Chamber of Lucca - Tuscany - Italy

under the "Continuing Education Project" carried out with the High Patronage of Ministry of Defence

posted the tutorial for patrols

"Gothic Line 2010"

that will take place on 3-4-5 September 2010 in the Municipality of Minucciano, province of Lucca, a town Gramolazzo.

In the valley you installed a FOB with the intent to improve control of this important strategic area and prohibit the movement and infiltration of hostile forces. To fulfill the mission in the FOB was sent a detachment of light infantry NATO Light Infantry Combat Group "kite". Heart of L.I.C.G. "Kite" is the GOM (Operational Maneuver Group) whose tasks are to defend the FOB and adjacent areas, overseeing the various outposts and checkpoints located in the valley, control territory, objectives and sensitive urban centers for by patrols.


Upgrade the professional preparation of participants (members of any association of weapon), taking care of the culture, training and physical activity and sport.
Make more firm links between the non-commissioned officers on leave and those serving in all the Armed Forces and State Armed Corps and other armed forces of allied and friendly nations.
Increase mutual understanding and shared values of Homeland and Freedom among all military leave and serving all those in the Armed Forces and State Armed Corps and other armed forces of allied and friendly nations.

The final program will be available the cave end of May 2010 and may be requested by writing to the following e-mail: or

giovedì 1 aprile 2010

18th contest for reservists „Kyffhäuser Marsch“ „Kyffhäuser Marsch“ - 7 - 9 May 2010

18th contest for reservists

„Kyffhäuser Marsch“


1. Event:
As part of the effort to develop military capabilities, the Land Command Thuringia will conduct the 18th contest for reservists “Kyffhäuser – Marsch” from 7 to 9 May 2010.

2. Execution

2.1 Date: 7 – 9 May 2010
2.2 Location: Kyffhäuser-Kaserne Seehäuser Straße 60 06567 BAD FRANKENHAUSEN
2.3 Participants: Team contest for suitable Bundeswehr reservists and reservists from other nations possessing a high degree of physical fitness
2.4 Officer in charge: Commanding officer of the Land Command Thuringia
2.5 Executive officer: S3 Staff officer for reservist affairs, Land Command Thuringia
2.6 Registration:

Sending the attached form through the responsible Land Command to:

Land Command Thuringia, staff officer for reservist affairs
Zeppelinstraße 1899096 ERFURT

Military telephone: 8700 – 7117/ 7170
Fax: (0361) 342- 7115
Tel.: (0361) 342- 7117/ 7170

Closing date: 15 April 2010

All teams will receive confirmations of registration including allocations of billets and a time schedule by 30 April 2010.
2.7 Team strength: A team will consist of three partcipants. The senior participant will be the team captain. The total number of participants will be limited to 30 teams.
2.8 Victory ceremony:8 May 2010 19:00 hoursBAD FRANKENHAUSEN, Kyffhäuser monument

3. Competition disciplines:

Military patrol performed outdoors over a distance of approximately18 km including the following tasks:
- enforcing the military mission by force of arms complying with ROE (AGDUS),
discussions concerning security issues
fire fightingself and buddy aid
rescue and recovery in emergency situations
- action to be taken when discovering and identifying mines and UXO, reporting of incidents
checking of individuals and vehicles
breaching of terrain obstacles

3.1 Scoring groups: One scoring group.

4. Planned sequence of events: See Enclosure 1

5. Official event declaration:

In accordance with ref. 2., the event has been declared a supraregional official event.
End of the official event, Sunday 9 May 2010, 10:00 hours, exceptions will be decided upon by the Commanding Officer, Land Command Thuringia

6. Messing: Troop meals will be provided for reservists and conscripts free of charge, for temporary career volunteers and guests against payment.

7. Clothing/equipment:
Competitors: Basic field dress, camouflage print, in accordance with Joint Service Regulation 37/10 nos. 214, 216. and combat helmet

Participants from other nations will wear their respective national field dress.
Rucksacks must be carried during the move.
Each team member must carry a compass and personal tools for working with maps, a second field dress and gloves.
The start number, weapons, ammunition and maps will be provided by the organiser.
It is prohibited to carry and use mobile phones (except in emergencies) and navigation systems during the contest;
non-compliance will disqualify the respective team.
It is prohibited to consume alcohol prior to and during the contest.
Bed linen will be provided.

8. Note:
Due to the unfavourable public transport situation it is recommended to use private vehicles for arrival and departure.Requests for accommodation must be submitted together with the registration form in time. The same shall apply to the access to messing facilities (see Annex 2).

During the victory ceremony and the social gathering, the field dress, camouflage print, must be generally worn in accordance with Joint Service Regulation 37/10. The field jacket and the field cap must be carried.

Planned sequence of events

Friday, 7 May 2010

15:00 - 20:00 hours
Arrival Reception at the reporting pointIssue of the contest documentsTaking up of accommodation
Briefing of the team captains on the sequence of events

20:00 - 20:30 hours Possible use of NCOs’ mess

19:00 - 22.00 hours Tattoo

23:00 hours Silence

Saturday, 8 May 2010

05:00 hours Alarm call service
05:45 – 06:30 hours Receiving packed meals
until 06:45 hours Receiving weapons, issuing orders, moving to the start (at staggered intervals according to the starting order)

07:00 hours Start of contest

07:00 – 17:00 hours Military patrol and competition stations

18:00 hours Dinner
19:00 hours Victory ceremony

20:00 – 24:00 hours - Social gathering

Sunday, 9 May 2010

07:00 – 08:00 hours - Breakfast in the team dining hall (packed meals for the return trip)

07:00 – 10:00 hours - Handover of accommodation- Partcipants’ return trip

Reply to:
Landeskommando Thüringen - StOffz ResAngel
Zeppelinstrasse 18 99096 Erfurt


Email: or Fax: (0361) 342- 7115


We, ......................................................,together with ......... teams (Reservist association/name)
intend to participate in the 18th contest for reservists „Kyffhäusermarsch“ from 7 to 9 May 2010 in BAD FRANKENHAUSEN.
Sender / contact address:
Association : _____________________________________Resp. Land Command : _____________________________________Nation : _____________________________________Last name, first name : _____________________________________Street : _____________________________________Zip code/pl. of residence _____________________________________Tel. no. : _____________________________________E-Mail : _____________________________________Signature Place / date : _____________________________________Acknowledged by the responsible Land Command: ______________
Deadline: 15 April 2010
List of participants Please tick off

TeamReservist rankLast nameFirst nameBirth dateTeam captainCompetitorTeam official








10 th INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION “TROPHY 3000„ PULA - CROATIA - 28.05.2010.- 30.05.2010

Croatian Officers Association, Section of Istria


This event will take place in Pula on 28.05.2010.- 30.05.2010.

You will find below all the information and registration form attached herewith.


Aim: Application of military knowledge and skills, associating between the participants of relating associations of the neighboring and friendly countries.

SUBJECT: Anti terroristic fight and long range patrolling.

TYPE: Operative exercise.

ZONE: Hill and rough terrain in the areas within Pula.

MANAGER: The President of Croatian Association, Section of Istria.


May be changed subject to approval of the Organizing Committee.


Dynamic shooting pistol

Orienteering march

Working off certain tasks


    1. The reserve officers should wear military clothes. In this case the reserve officers will be subject to military law.

    2. All the partecipants should observe the safety dispositions to avoid accidents during any of the activities and especially when using fire arms, rappeling and obstacle crossing.


Teams should be composed of 2 competitors , one officer and one soldier or under officer. The team that finish the competition with only one member shall be disqualified (depends what is the reason )

CLOTHES: military dress


Each team member shall be autonomously provided of the following equipment.

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1. Pen and notebook

2. Rucksack

3. First aid kit, pocket knife or multi tool, flash light, canteen

4. Rain wear (jacket or poncho)


At least one team member shall be autonomously equipped with

1. Compass, protractor, grid meter, binoculars

2. One mobile phone to be used only in case of emergency



No food or drink shall be provided by the organization during the exercise. Teams shall provide by themselves these supplies and external helps are strictly forbidden.


- PATROL take place in any weather condition

- Team start on own risk

- Team members need to have ID document in case of check out by Police or Military Police

- Organizer keeps the right to make modification Patrol program

- Organizer keeps the right to decide of final interpretation of the rules

- Total classification will be based on teams point summary

- Prizes : Cups, Diplomas

- Other Prize: special gifts


This schedule is subject to changes that may not substantially affect the course of competition.

FRIDAY, 28.05.2010.

17:00 - incoming of the competitors, registration

18:00 - opening the competition and hoisting the flag House of Difenders PULA

19:00 - briefing with the team leaders in HOUSE OF CROATIAN DEFENDERS PULA

SATURDAY, 29.05.2010.

07:00 - Start of the competition

13:00 - Lunch on the ENDING at the shooting field Valdebek

16:00 - official ending of the competition, awarding of prices (returning to the Hotel with the bus)

19:00 - Bal of the Officers-IF YOU WANT,THE COST IS: 50 € FOR PERSON.

SUNDAY, 30.05.2010. 08:00 - 11:00 - departure of the competitors



Modulo d’iscrizione / Registration Form / Formulaire d’inscription / Anmeldungsformular/Inschriif Formulier

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Unità o Associazione / Unit Name / Nom de l’Unité / Einheitname/Naam van de Legerafdeling




A Grado/Rank/Grade/ Nome/First Name/Prénom/ Cognome/Surname/Nom/

Dienstgrad/Dienstgraad Vorname/Voornaam Name/Achternaam


1 ......................................................................................................................................

2 ......................................................................................................................................

3 ......................................................................................................................................

Indirizzo per la risposta/Address for the answer/Adresse pour la réponse/Adresse für die Antwort/Correspondentie adres


* H


? .......................................... Fax :...............................E-mail:......................................................


Partecipanti / Participants / Participants / Teilnehmer/Deelnemers N° .................

Data/Date/Date/Datum/Datum ........................Firma/Signature/Signature/Unterschrift/Handtekening/ Potpis

restituire entro il 30.04.2010; to be returned no later than 30.04.2010 retourner avant le 30.04.2010; bis zum 30.04.2010 wiedersenden; terugsturen voor 30.04.2010.Vratiti do 30.04.2010



FAX:00385 52 214 668- E- mail:

International Bal of the Officials.

The Association of the Croatian Reserve Officers Region Istra in occasion of its 10th aniversary has the honor to invite the members of Your association at the International Bal of the Officials.

The Bal will take place on the 19:00 hours in the House of Croatian Defenders in Pula /Istria/.

The cost for this event is 50,00 € per person, dinner and drink inclusive.

Civils: dark suit or smoking

Officials: gala uniform or uniform

If You want to participate in the program which is given to the members, includes:

Friday 28.05.2010. is the opening of the MILITARY TROPHY at 18:00 hours, after that at the Church of the Navy we will listening to the holy mass, and we will settle the crowns to the fallen.

Lady Daniela del Monaco will be the VIP guest and she will be performing some pieces of Opera in the church and on the Bal.

The dinner will be at the restaurant with an occasional menu that costs 25,00 €.

If You want at Saturday 29.05.2010. take a tour to the shooting field in Valdebek /a place near Pula/ at 09:00 o'clock, than lunch in Vodnjan all for the costs of 25,00 €.

At 19:00 hours is the beginning of the Bal in the House of Croatian Defenders /Military Casino/ which cost 50,00 € /we mentioned that before/.

Please provide us the names with the degrees of the partecipants of the Bal.

The cost for the double room at the Hotel Riviera in Pula is cca 26,00 € per person.